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Madison Stone:
Madie loves dudes with ponytails, donating cheeto's to the less fortunate, and amazing, but straight, male dancers. Her goal in life is to eat panda bear fur and find her "George of the Jungle." When she's not tightroping through New York City, she's quietly petting her 6 llamas. Her favorite thing to burn up with is her pet sloth with a side of hash brownies.

Elisabeth Gee:
Elisabeth loves eating Chick-fil-A after toking up while playing the harp. Her favorite TV shows are Walker Texas Ranger and Duck Dynasty. She constantly quotes Mr. Bean and she wants to be Oprah when grows up. She even plans on getting skin pigmentation so she can look like her. In one word, Elisabeth is dope.

Brock Bird:
Brock loves wearing mandals and long walks on the beach. His favorite show is Baywatch and his favorite musical artists are The Spice Girls. When he's not sporting matching outfits with his leopard thong underneath, he loves getting high! Reefer madness for life.

Marley McClune:
Marley is a freshman.. 

Becky Eisenhower:
Becky loves diet Dr. Pepper, Brock's mandals and getting stuck behind Amish buggies. Her favorite movies are Mary Poppins and Super Size Me. After classes are over each day she goes home and googles the latest news in Afghanistan and Iceland. Her favorite type of weed is pineapple express. Let's plant some trees!

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