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The purpose of this project is to find Truth vs. Truthiness about the legalization of marijuana in the news clips of Fox News and The Colbert Report/The Daily Show. 

The legalization of marijuana has been a hot topic in the news as of late because Washington and Colorado just recently passed bills to legalize it. However, marijuana has not been legalized at the federal level. This means that a person that smokes marijuana and gets caught by the federal government will go to jail whereas they might just get slapped with a fine otherwise if they are caught by state or local police. Not only that, but many journalists and news anchors get facts about marijuana wrong because of their own biases and assumptions. We are here to either confirm or debunk their statements.

Our conclusion of this project is on our Sources tab.

Some definitions to know:

Truth: a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, or principle.

Truthiness: this term was coined by Stephen Colbert and means that rather than believing fact or truth known to be true, people think that what they feel or wish to be correct is true.

Satire: Dictionary.com explains it two ways "1. The use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule" 


Selective Perception: when individuals filter information that reaches them through their own prejudices and prior knowledge.

Selective Exposure: when individuals pay attention to certain kinds of information that is more or less relevant related to their own experiences.

Selective Retention: when individuals remember best the information that confirms their beliefs and values, and forget the information that contradicts their values and beliefs.

Gatekeeping: people who control what information is presented in the media. They let certain information through "the gate" and other news stories or information gets left out.

Agenda-Setting: This theory holds that although the mass media can’t tell us what to think, the media are stunningly successful at telling us what to think about.

Framing: This theory concerns how news and information are “framed” or presented once through the news “gate” and on the public agenda.

Cultivation: The images and impressions and topics (and how they are framed) that appear in the mass media serve to “cultivate” in all of us certain impressions of the world.

Click here for where we got these definitions.

Third-Person Effect Theory: A great definition of the third-person effect theory comes from an academic article entitled, Understanding the Third Person Effect. This article stated this definition: " Davison (1983) defines the third-person effect hypothesis as the likelihood that “individuals who are members of an audience that is exposed to a persuasive communication (whether or not this communication is intended to be persuasive) will expect the communication to have a greater effect on others than on themselves” (p. 3)."

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